Monday, July 16, 2007

FREE Your Mind- Living In a Big Girl's World

Words by Suezette Robotham

I’m Declaring My Independence from Society’s Construct of Beauty. Being a six foot-one inch, full-figured and loving it woman isn’t easy, but somebody’s gotta do it. I’ve decided that in 2007, that somebody will be me.

I’m bombarded on a daily basis by Eurocentric images of beauty. Svelte women with long flowing hair, none of which reflect the afrolicious beauty that I am. If we can’t hold the media accountable for representing all forms of womanhood, then it is up to us to show the world exactly what we’re working with.

It is truly the year of the B.I.G. Girl. Bold, Intriguing, and Gorgeous™, we represent a beauty that can only be found in fullness. True supermodels, size 14 is no longer the average woman…she’s the above average woman that respects every single curve and loves every blessed inch.

Let us ratify the BIG GIRL Bill Of Rights:

We have the right to refuse to diet unless it has direct implications for our health and well-being; We have the right to be loved for who we are and not what we look like;
We have the right to have BIG girl moments as we indulge ourselves in terms such as beautiful, gorgeous, seductive, voluptuous, vixen, diva, etc;
We have the right to demand that clothing stores provide us with style and versatility;
We have the right to be seen and we have the right to be heard;
We have the right to pay homage to Lycra and to reject spandex;
We have the right to be BIG…and proud of it!


Anonymous said...

Do your thing Te. God bless you girl!

Anonymous said...

Well said....Big ups to ya girl..You be spitting that hotfire

princessdominique said...

Go SueZette!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


well, beauty's in the eye of the beholder; the society's "sense of beauty" tends to reflect the deficiencies of a time.

attraction is individual and cannot commonly be constrained to a particular race or people (btw i'm european, still find ya hot!!).

selfconsciousness is sexy, shyness may be, but insecureness never is.

- just my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

This is my baby sister! You go girl!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey Fredrick, whatever..