You’ve tried everything you can but nothing works and that’s because you’re missing one significant key; you were not MEANT TO FIT IN.
Just because you’re different, doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with you. It simply means that you aren’t good at pretending to be someone else. Most of our society is trained to speak, think and act in a certain way and through social conditioning, most people are experts at playing the roles assigned to them. You must have been absent the day the authorities handed out your destiny and you are now free to create your own.
How can I make the most out of being different?
That’s quite simple too. First, you must take the negative stigma off of being different and learn to appreciate that you are not a clone of everyone else who is really just PRETENDING to be who they are expected to be.
Next, and this is the fun part, you get to GLAMORIZE your differences in a way that only you can do. Are you missing a leg? It’s not a tragedy, go out and push the limits of what a on legged person can do. Don’t allow your handi cap to HANDI CAP your life! It’s just a way to push you to do more and accomplish more.
Maybe you are from a foreign country and with your accent and style, there’s no way you can fit in to this American culture. So? Don’t try to! Become even more elaborate, showcasing your traditional clothing and habits and people will come to stare at you and admire you for standing out in the crowd.
Even if it seems that you have a mental limitation, don’t worry, most great philosophers had mental disorders too. In fact, it was through these mental imperfections and out of the box ways of thinking that they created some of the most widely used theories of today.
The wayward thinker creates the mold, which is at first rejected by the conventional thinkers. Then, after some time, the conventional thinker embraces the mold and holds it as their standard, forgetting that they mocked the wayward thinker in the first place.
If you take the story of Jesus Christ as an example you’ll see that he was killed for his claims. Now, in our western culture, an entire religion was built around his belief system. It’ll take them a while to catch up with your fast paced mind and brilliant ideas, and if they never do, pity on them.
GLAMORIZE your differences.
You were created to show others your uniqueness. We have unique fingerprints simply because we are all created unique but somewhere along the line we were taught that “staying below the radar” was the ideal thing to do. You CAN do that, but why should you? You’re already different. You were already chosen to show the world what a person with your difference can contribute.
So go ahead and make your mark.
You have all the tools necessary. GLAMORIZE IT!
Wow this is a great resource.. I’m enjoying it.. good article
Wow this is a great resource.. I’m enjoying it.. good article
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