You’re at a crossroad in life aren’t you? Maybe you recently went through a significant loss or you feel deep inside that it is time to make a change but you have no idea what to do or how to do it.
Understand that when you are unwilling to make a move and make a change and you ignore the intuitive nudges that appear prompting you to move forward or move away from where you are, life will make the decision for you. You’ll experience a loss of great magnitude and you will FORCED to take a new direction.
Whether or not you make the choice yourself or you allow LIFE to push you in a new direction, you still have a hefty decision to make.
What do I do now?
Here is a question that you can ask yourself which will lead you to your answer. Ask yourself, “If the world was going to end in 30 days, what are 3 things that I’d like to do?”
Answer honestly and write down what you want to do.
1. Spend as much time with my children as I can.
2. Travel to different cities reciting poetry.
3. Fall in love.
Of these three things, which can you get started on right now? That answers the question.
You have to understand that you created the situation that you are in.
If there is a yearning deep inside for something different, you are creating the signal to the Universe that you need to make room for it. In order to make room for the thing you are desiring , most often you have to lose something.
But no loss is permanent. Everything is replaceable. Everything WILL be replaced with something better so you don’t have to stress a single moment or worry about HOW it will happen. Go with your highest dream. Take the necessary steps to get there and make every decision with the intention that everything will work out better than you expect it to…because it WILL. No matter what today looks like, today is NOT permanent.
Today is just an eye opening plateau in your life where you can decide to sit still and become a statue or take a leap and fly into your dreams.
There are no mistakes. There are no setbacks. Every situation propels you FORWARD into your dream life but you will not recognize your opportunity until you LOOK FORWARD instead of mourning what was once in your past.
Make a decision. Trust yourself. Fly.
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