Monday, October 8, 2007

From The Editor- Giving & Receiving Love

Dear Dreamers,

Someone wise once wrote, “The greatest thing you'll every learn, is just to love and be loved in return....”

Deep inside our heart of hearts, our greatest fear and greatest desire is rooted in love. We walk into a room full of people we don’t know and our eyes scan the crowd hoping to find acceptance, approval, attraction, warmth.

Our fear of never finding these things may cause us to put up a shield that pretends that we don’t care about love, but we all do.

Our fears are rooted in insecurity when we magnify our idiosyncrasies, somehow mistaking them for flaws.

But what are flaws really when you think about the grand scheme of individuality? Our flaws (unique traits) are merely distinct markings that allow us to be recognized by those in the same family of love. By “family” I mean, those who have shared similar experiences or interests.

If you are a single mother and are afraid that no man will love you because you have failed at your first relationship, someone in your family of love may be a man who was raised by a single mom and wants to offer the same love and support that he wishes his mom had received.

If you were in an accident and as a result now carry a burn mark on your body, someone in your family of love may be someone who lost a relative in an accident and would embrace loving you because you are a survivor.

Giving and receiving love are two different sides of the same coin. Before you can receive love, you must first learn how to give love, perfectly and completely with no hidden motives.

Join us as we spend time exploring the things that hinder us from giving and receiving love. Be refreshed by our step by step guide to receiving the love you desire. Break free from fears of being hurt by daring to love fearlessly.

Grow with me.

Love with me.

In Love,



1 comment:

Shai said...

Wow! That hit to my heart, if I wasn't at work I would be crying. It is so hard to believe you can be loved just for who you are when so many folks even parents abandon or betray you.

Thanks I am printing this out for reference when I need reminding.