Words by Te-Erika
Right smack in the middle of one of the most profound, exciting journeys of my life, I had been feverishly recording all of my experiences on my blog. During that time of my life I was physically separated from everyone that I loved and my dependence was focused solely on God’s provision, companionship and direction.
During this intense alone time, I decided to set a few more self improvement goals for myself. As I teetered between stopping smoking and trying to become more positive about my life I laughed at the latter objective simply because it seemed impossible.
I had come to embrace my fears dutifully, wallowing in the despair that they brought. I relived the pain of my past over and over again, subconciously enjoying the pity that the sob stories elicited.
During a strange turn of events I was hired at a local newspaper in Houston as a reporter and during my 2nd week there my publisher gave me a book called The Game of Life & How to Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn. I assume she noticed my dedication to my own self development by the affirmations that I posted on my wall and the book The Greatest Salesman in the World that I carried with me at all times.
When I read the first page of The Game of Life, my entire life changed. The late Shinn, a noted metaphysician and spiritual teacher taught how to apply the principles she learned from the Bible to her everyday life, revealing that God is the supply and source of all that we desire and that His desire is that we live lives of complete faith in Him. She also wrote that life is a game of boomerangs and immediate karma that is enabled by our actions, therefore what we gave, we would receive.
I knew that in everything I did, I tried my best to honor people and praise them to success. I later learned that this trait was very much a characteristic of my INFP personality. The only problem that I had with releasing great karma was my inability to have faith that God had only great things in store for my life.
At the time I didn’t have a stable home. I chose my clothes from the trunk of my car every night while sleeping in boarding homes, hostels and shelters as I sought my professional and spiritual growth and moved from city to city.
I now believe that The Game of Life opened the gateway for a better understanding of the Law of Attraction which I was introduced to later in my journey.
The Law of Attraction simply states that like is attracted to like or you receive what you focus most on. Sounds innocent doesn’t it? The meat behind this universal law is that the things that we imagine and experience through deep seeded emotions are what we attract to ourselves. In other words, what we think about and meditate on is a precursor to what we will experience.
Before I began my solo journey to secure my professional and spiritual development, I imagined that I would have a hard time finding success. I imagined that I may have to be hungry and homeless to achieve success and guess what- I found just what I was looking for.
As I continued to write about my experiences and my spiritual evolution I noticed that I received signals from the people around me that indicated what emotional state they were in. It seemed kind of “whoo whoo” and cosmic to know that I could feel their emotions in the form of vibrations. These vibrations, to me, indicated whether they were happy, fearful, anxious or joyful. I could sense their true feeling regardless of whether or not they wanted me to know what they were.
Later my studies into the Law of Attraction pin pointed that we are all made of energy and that every thought we experience has a vibration attached to it. I couldn’t believe my eyes! So that’s why I could feel the troubles or joys of strangers!
I researched more about these vibrations and their relation to the Law of Attraction and I learned that even more than just our thoughts, the feelings created behind the thought are what really sends the vibration out which attracts even more of the same vibration.
In essence, it’s not about the thought, it’s about the emotion (vibration) that is tied to it. The more we dwell on a particular thought and produce a weighted emotion, the more we experience the same situations that produce more of that emotion.
My mind raced back to those times when I had immersed myself into my fears, only to experience more fearful circumstances. I decided that I had to learn not to stagnate in fear.
My Christian background taught me that God is holding me by my right hand and He is with me. If God is with me every step of the way, then even those seemingly disastrous circumstances have purpose and are not a permanent part of my life. If I know that God will bring me through the experience then how could I fear it?
I began to follow my feelings, which I later learned to be my intuition, in my decision making even more than before because I felt that God was speaking to me through my emotions. If this experience of life is about experiencing joy, satisfaction and happiness then why would I do anything that led me to experience the opposite of those emotions.
This new way of thought was difficult to embrace because the friends I had in my life were more practical in their decision making. They advised me to never follow my feelings but to secure stability by careful planning and strategic action. As ironic as this seems, their advice never “felt” right to me so I didn’t listen. I continued to ‘follow my peace’ as my old Pastor had taught me.
I wanted peace and happiness more than anything. I wanted success, yes. I wanted stability, yes. But I also wanted an existence that reflected the joy I envisioned for my life.
I didn’t find the material things that I envisioned for my life, but ultimately through my lack of those things I developed an unshakeable faith that has brought me complete joy even today. I read somewhere that unshakeable faith is only discovered through situations where you have nothing to rely on but your faith in God… and I have experienced plenty of those.
Even still, I am in a remarkable state of peace each time I receive the miracles that God or the Universe sends my way.
The Law of Attraction worked for me, but not in a greedy, materialistic way. By studying this law and other laws of the universe I learned that the most important path to peace and joy (the desire for these FEELINGS prompt us to take most actions) is the understanding in complete faith that your life is divinely guided. Peace comes by following your heart and doing the things that your intuition says are right, regardless of what others say.
Peace comes by expecting the best for your life in all areas and enjoying the feeling of the realization of your most wonderful fantasies, even BEFORE they have physically come to pass. By believing and rejoicing in your perfect desired end, you have the strength to walk over hot coals, knowing that the flames can not hurt you because you have been promised to overcome and live a victorious life. You send out joyful vibrations because you have faith, which attracts even more joyful circumstances.
For me the Law of Attraction is not about getting whatever I want. It IS about maintaining faith and joyful expectancy that my Creator has planned an abundant life for me. The consistent practice of these traits will propel you into your most consistent harmonious existence. You attract what you focus on most and my focus is on God’s most wonderful plan for my life and experiencing the joy of the promise everyday!
During this intense alone time, I decided to set a few more self improvement goals for myself. As I teetered between stopping smoking and trying to become more positive about my life I laughed at the latter objective simply because it seemed impossible.
I had come to embrace my fears dutifully, wallowing in the despair that they brought. I relived the pain of my past over and over again, subconciously enjoying the pity that the sob stories elicited.
During a strange turn of events I was hired at a local newspaper in Houston as a reporter and during my 2nd week there my publisher gave me a book called The Game of Life & How to Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn. I assume she noticed my dedication to my own self development by the affirmations that I posted on my wall and the book The Greatest Salesman in the World that I carried with me at all times.
When I read the first page of The Game of Life, my entire life changed. The late Shinn, a noted metaphysician and spiritual teacher taught how to apply the principles she learned from the Bible to her everyday life, revealing that God is the supply and source of all that we desire and that His desire is that we live lives of complete faith in Him. She also wrote that life is a game of boomerangs and immediate karma that is enabled by our actions, therefore what we gave, we would receive.
I knew that in everything I did, I tried my best to honor people and praise them to success. I later learned that this trait was very much a characteristic of my INFP personality. The only problem that I had with releasing great karma was my inability to have faith that God had only great things in store for my life.
At the time I didn’t have a stable home. I chose my clothes from the trunk of my car every night while sleeping in boarding homes, hostels and shelters as I sought my professional and spiritual growth and moved from city to city.
I now believe that The Game of Life opened the gateway for a better understanding of the Law of Attraction which I was introduced to later in my journey.
The Law of Attraction simply states that like is attracted to like or you receive what you focus most on. Sounds innocent doesn’t it? The meat behind this universal law is that the things that we imagine and experience through deep seeded emotions are what we attract to ourselves. In other words, what we think about and meditate on is a precursor to what we will experience.
Before I began my solo journey to secure my professional and spiritual development, I imagined that I would have a hard time finding success. I imagined that I may have to be hungry and homeless to achieve success and guess what- I found just what I was looking for.
As I continued to write about my experiences and my spiritual evolution I noticed that I received signals from the people around me that indicated what emotional state they were in. It seemed kind of “whoo whoo” and cosmic to know that I could feel their emotions in the form of vibrations. These vibrations, to me, indicated whether they were happy, fearful, anxious or joyful. I could sense their true feeling regardless of whether or not they wanted me to know what they were.
Later my studies into the Law of Attraction pin pointed that we are all made of energy and that every thought we experience has a vibration attached to it. I couldn’t believe my eyes! So that’s why I could feel the troubles or joys of strangers!
I researched more about these vibrations and their relation to the Law of Attraction and I learned that even more than just our thoughts, the feelings created behind the thought are what really sends the vibration out which attracts even more of the same vibration.
In essence, it’s not about the thought, it’s about the emotion (vibration) that is tied to it. The more we dwell on a particular thought and produce a weighted emotion, the more we experience the same situations that produce more of that emotion.
My mind raced back to those times when I had immersed myself into my fears, only to experience more fearful circumstances. I decided that I had to learn not to stagnate in fear.
My Christian background taught me that God is holding me by my right hand and He is with me. If God is with me every step of the way, then even those seemingly disastrous circumstances have purpose and are not a permanent part of my life. If I know that God will bring me through the experience then how could I fear it?
I began to follow my feelings, which I later learned to be my intuition, in my decision making even more than before because I felt that God was speaking to me through my emotions. If this experience of life is about experiencing joy, satisfaction and happiness then why would I do anything that led me to experience the opposite of those emotions.
This new way of thought was difficult to embrace because the friends I had in my life were more practical in their decision making. They advised me to never follow my feelings but to secure stability by careful planning and strategic action. As ironic as this seems, their advice never “felt” right to me so I didn’t listen. I continued to ‘follow my peace’ as my old Pastor had taught me.
I wanted peace and happiness more than anything. I wanted success, yes. I wanted stability, yes. But I also wanted an existence that reflected the joy I envisioned for my life.
I didn’t find the material things that I envisioned for my life, but ultimately through my lack of those things I developed an unshakeable faith that has brought me complete joy even today. I read somewhere that unshakeable faith is only discovered through situations where you have nothing to rely on but your faith in God… and I have experienced plenty of those.
Even still, I am in a remarkable state of peace each time I receive the miracles that God or the Universe sends my way.
The Law of Attraction worked for me, but not in a greedy, materialistic way. By studying this law and other laws of the universe I learned that the most important path to peace and joy (the desire for these FEELINGS prompt us to take most actions) is the understanding in complete faith that your life is divinely guided. Peace comes by following your heart and doing the things that your intuition says are right, regardless of what others say.
Peace comes by expecting the best for your life in all areas and enjoying the feeling of the realization of your most wonderful fantasies, even BEFORE they have physically come to pass. By believing and rejoicing in your perfect desired end, you have the strength to walk over hot coals, knowing that the flames can not hurt you because you have been promised to overcome and live a victorious life. You send out joyful vibrations because you have faith, which attracts even more joyful circumstances.
For me the Law of Attraction is not about getting whatever I want. It IS about maintaining faith and joyful expectancy that my Creator has planned an abundant life for me. The consistent practice of these traits will propel you into your most consistent harmonious existence. You attract what you focus on most and my focus is on God’s most wonderful plan for my life and experiencing the joy of the promise everyday!
Everything you have ever done - every moment, every experience, every relationship - has brought you to this moment. You are perched on the leading edge of your life.
- Alan Cohen
You are an excellent writer. I hope you're doing well!
Good post!!
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