An understanding of how the law of attraction works is just the beginning of your significant life change.
When you attempt to use the principles behind the law of attraction to improve your circumstances you are then practicing Deliberate Creation or Co-Creation.
Some law of attraction teachers like Abraham-Hicks teach that you partner with the universe to create the circumstances in your life by aligning your emotions with what you want instead of allowing your fluctuating emotions to attract various situations haphazardly.
Since we know that the law of attraction states that like energy attracts like, or what we put our emotional energy into multiplies, we can then learn to train ourselves to maintain positive emotions. These positive emotions will signal the universe to attract more positive circumstances into our lives.
Can you really create your reality?
Well, we do it all the time. It is completely a matter of perception and expectation.
When you expect something to happen, you are on the look out for it and your mind’s eye zeroes in on your expectations causing you to see more of what you are looking for. In essence, every expectation that you have, you are subconsciously trying to be prove to be true.
Why not change your expectations and create a better reality?
When you attempt to use the principles behind the law of attraction to improve your circumstances you are then practicing Deliberate Creation or Co-Creation.
Some law of attraction teachers like Abraham-Hicks teach that you partner with the universe to create the circumstances in your life by aligning your emotions with what you want instead of allowing your fluctuating emotions to attract various situations haphazardly.
Since we know that the law of attraction states that like energy attracts like, or what we put our emotional energy into multiplies, we can then learn to train ourselves to maintain positive emotions. These positive emotions will signal the universe to attract more positive circumstances into our lives.
Can you really create your reality?
Well, we do it all the time. It is completely a matter of perception and expectation.
When you expect something to happen, you are on the look out for it and your mind’s eye zeroes in on your expectations causing you to see more of what you are looking for. In essence, every expectation that you have, you are subconsciously trying to be prove to be true.
Why not change your expectations and create a better reality?
If you choose to expect the best from life, your emotions will be more positive and your environment will react favorably to this positive energy that you are emitting. These emotions or vibrations are sent out into the universe with strong force, attracting equally strong vibrations which are then translated through situations and interactions in your environment.
To practice the process of Deliberate Creation you can try to use the following steps.
1) Ask for what you want and be specific.
2) Believe that you will have it.
3) Show that you believe that you will have it by taking faith-filled action toward your goals or desires.
4) Allow it to come to pass. Don’t force the fruition of your dream through action rooted in fear, anxiety or desperation.
In order to achieve the most favorable results you must behave as though you have already received the desire that is on your heart. When you do this you are creating an emotion of joyful expectancy and that is one of the highest vibrations that you can achieve.
The base principle behind Deliberate Creation is maintaining joyful expectancy through any situation. No negative circumstance is permanent, it is up to you to raise your vibrations through redirecting your thoughts and emotions which will in turn attract those things and circumstances that you desire.
Have you ever noticed how a happy person entering a room can uplift the entire mood of the gathering? In this same manner, your positive expectancy can change your entire life.
Focus on something that you want to come to pass.
Ex: A better relationship.
Believe that you can have it and experience the joy of having it right now.
Fantasize about the successful completion of your dream. How does it feel for your dream to come true? What is the other person saying or doing that brings you complete joy? Maintain this joyful feeling. This is the signal to the universe that you want more of these feelings.
Interact with the person as though they have already demonstrated those actions. Show appreciation for them. Shower them with praise and affection.
These joyful vibrations will affect the vibration in any atmosphere, causing a ripple affect. If the person does not return your vibrations, they will be removed and a better match for your vibrations will be attracted. It’s automatic!
Everything that you need to experience joy, peace, health, wealth and happiness has already been promised to you. To enjoy more of these experiences simply believe that they are yours to have and act accordingly.
good article
'Be the change you want to see.'
Good post!
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