Relaxation Affirmation Quotes
Sometimes the cure for restlessness is rest.
Colleen Wainwright, Communicatrix, 08-06-08
The time to relax is when you don't have time for it. ~Attributed to both Jim Goodwin and Sydney J. Harris
For fast-acting relief, try slowing down. ~Lily Tomlin
How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then to rest afterward. ~Spanish Proverb
Well-being is my natural state of being.
Reach for the feeling of well-being first, and everything else will fall into place.
Be selfish enough to follow your bliss, and you will tap in to the natural, Pure, Positive Essence of You.
“well-Being Cards”
As you start paying attention to the absolute correlation between the way you feel and what’s manifesting, then you understand that you hold the ke y to the letting it in.
If you could see an aerial view, and we can
All of these things that you have been asking for are lined up right outsid e your door. Lined up right there. Endless people and places and circumstances and events all lined up to accommodate you. All lined up. An d as you reach for the thought that feels a little bit better, some of them squirt in. As you reach for the thought that feels a little better, more of them will squirt in. As you reach
Right away in the first day, of finding the delicious relief that rage give s you over depression, something will manifest. You will see movement in your experience just with that incremental change.
And you can imagine each day that you reclaim your ground, and you begin saying things like ‘Well I’m not there yet, I’m not into positive emotion, but I sure fe el better than I did.’
And everything in your experience, every relationship will adjust to the ne w stance you have found vibrationally.
Abraham-Hicks, San Antonio, TZ 11/22/03
Sometimes the cure for restlessness is rest.
Colleen Wainwright, Communicatrix, 08-06-08
The time to relax is when you don't have time for it. ~Attributed to both Jim Goodwin and Sydney J. Harris
For fast-acting relief, try slowing down. ~Lily Tomlin
How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then to rest afterward. ~Spanish Proverb
Well-being is my natural state of being.
Reach for the feeling of well-being first, and everything else will fall into place.
Be selfish enough to follow your bliss, and you will tap in to the natural, Pure, Positive Essence of You.
“well-Being Cards”
As you start paying attention to the absolute correlation between the way you feel and what’s manifesting, then you understand that you hold the ke y to the letting it in.
If you could see an aerial view, and we can
All of these things that you have been asking for are lined up right outsid e your door. Lined up right there. Endless people and places and circumstances and events all lined up to accommodate you. All lined up. An d as you reach for the thought that feels a little bit better, some of them squirt in. As you reach for the thought that feels a little better, more of them will squirt in. As you reach
Right away in the first day, of finding the delicious relief that rage give s you over depression, something will manifest. You will see movement in your experience just with that incremental change.
And you can imagine each day that you reclaim your ground, and you begin saying things like ‘Well I’m not there yet, I’m not into positive emotion, but I sure fe el better than I did.’
And everything in your experience, every relationship will adjust to the ne w stance you have found vibrationally.
Abraham-Hicks, San Antonio, TZ 11/22/03
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