By Khaya J. Myers |
There are ways to fuel your creativity without losing your creative soul. The most important ingredient is you. You have to be uncompromising about the corporate atmosphere you enter. It is possible to find a happy medium while keeping your eyes on the prize. Not all corporate bosses or co-workers are dream killers. Once you find that corporate gem, try to incorporate these tips into your experience. They may seem simple, but they could possibly save you from the faux paus or anxieties many creative types make when they find themselves in the meantime.
1. Create a space for success.
Take a look around your cubicle. Do you like what you see? Are you inspired by the things you have placed in your personal space? Are there pictures of the people who support you there? Do you have any positive quotes, mantras, or pictures that remind you of who you really are? If not, TAKE OWNERSHIP OF YOUR SPACE. Create a space that supports you and your life’s vision. Don't be afraid to take ownership because it lets others know you are invested in making the most of this experience. No, this isn't your last job, but it is the beginning of your greatest work. Remember: If you won't own the cubicle, how will you own your own creative masterpiece?
2. Show up early, leave a little later.
In corporate America, appearances are EVERYTHING!! Even showing up on time leaves you feeling a little uneasy. Creative types always feel as though they are being watched anyway. By showing up at least 30-45 minutes early, you give yourself time to adjust to being in your work space before the day gets busy and out of control. People will get to know you as the one who shows up early. Without uttering a single word, you already gain positive attention by simply showing up before others.
While you're at work early, you can take time to go over your intentions for the day. You also give yourself time to prioritize your workload and go over details to avoid mistakes. Maybe your boss likes his fave newspaper on his or her desk or a printed list of scheduled meetings. Drop if off early and when he or she shows up...they know they've hired someone who is on top of the game. And guess what? You can do all of this with ease because the office won't be as crowded. Another benefit of showing up early is that you'll get to know more people i.e. the early birds. You'll be able to make more positive work relationships because you'll have time to discuss shared interests, etc. This will certainly make up for the days when you just don’t feel like being bothered. In other words, they’ll be more likely to give you a pass.
Staying a little later shows that you care about your work. You don't have to do this everyday, but try to choose at least one or two late days per week. This will look good and it's always something you can add on to the oft-dreaded self-evaluations to show your commitment to success. It really goes a long way! Arriving earlier and leaving later will allow you to take care of some of your creative business endeavors as well. Oh and when you really need to save face eat at your desk. However, be sure take breaks to rejuvenate your spirit.
3. Make use of your mentor.
Choose someone who is sincere and successful in the corporate arena. Don't wait for the mentor to set up meetings with you. Be proactive! Copy your mentor on some work e-mails to give you tips on your communication skills. Ask for feedback without being afraid of hearing the answer. Truly look at this mentor-ship as an opportunity to succeed. Think about what kind of mentor you will be one day. Ask for insider tips. Mentors are mentors because they want to feel as though they are making a difference. Allow this person to make a difference in your world... However, avoid too much personal talk about past failures, family life, etc. LET THEM DO MOST OF THE TALKING, but be available, enthusiastic, appreciative, and ready to receive quality advice.
4. Don't fear your supervisor.
Talk to your supervisor. Compliment your supervisor on little things without being a brown noser. Let your supervisor know you are here to support their success. See that as a goal. How can I be effective in my role as a supporter of the team? Ask your supervisor for WEEKLY CHECK-INS to hear feedback on your progress. At the same time be aware of your own progress. Don't be afraid to highlight what you did RIGHT! In the end, this will give you more time to focus on your real goals while avoiding the fear of being fired.
5. Toot Your Own Horn.
Find ways to celebrate your successes and share them with your office. Send e-mails that your let your supervisor know how much you accomplished thanks to their guidance and support. Let him or her know that you'll be checking in regularly via e-mail or pop-ins.
Did you avoid mistakes today? Write it down. Did you organize something BEFORE you asked to do so? Write it down. Find a way to track your achievements. All great leaders have their low points, but they get back up over and over again. Why? Because they are invested in their own SUCCESS. Truth is, you're your best investment. You know the ins and outs better than anyone.
Are there any workshops you'd like to attend? Are there any meetings you'd like to be invited to learn more about the company, your role, etc? Can you offer to take notes at a meeting? This will help you spell corporate America's favorite word: I-N-I-T-I-A-T-I-V-E. You can't lose here. Even if they say no, you still get credit for trying. You offered, you win. Remember: Closed mouths, don't get fed.
Tooting your own horn will allow you to incorporate your creativity into areas of your work.
6. Hire your inner actor to fake the feelings until you’re safely at home.
Corporate environments can be stifling for highly creative people. However, you must remember that bringing your authentic feelings to work makes everyone uncomfortable. Hence the word work. No one is there simply because they love working for money. Yes, some are more enthusiastic than others. No one wants to know that you're sad, tired, scared, or anything else that might make them think they’ve dropped the ball.
Even if you have to go into the stall and cry. Just come out fighting and smiling!!!! Everyone will brand you as this happy, confident person. You'll hear things like, “Wow, I just love being around so and so. There’s something about so and so. " Sound familiar? Think about high school. Think of corporate America like high school with 401 K's.
7. Find someone you trust.
There's always someone who is down to earth and successful at what they do. Find that person. Go with your intuition. It doesn't matter what department, floor, or position they're in. They will give you small signals to let you know they're open to being your work buddy. We all need one. Again, remain appropriate. Never tell anyone you work with ANYTHING you wouldn't be comfortable with your boss knowing until the trust is cemented. This person will make days when you need a long lunch or a quick pep talk so much easier. Find them...they really do work there!
8. Dive into the uncomfortable.
We all have areas that scare us and make us fearful at work. Truth is, most of the things we worry about will never happen. However, the more we worry the more we self sabotage. You can only do what you can do. Period. Write down some of these scary areas. Ask yourself what your fear is and how you can tackle it slowly. Is there one person who gives you uncomfortable goose bumps? Do you feel judged? In the corporate world it’s the unspoken feelings that leave us feeling the most damaged. Remember: it’s all about building relationships. People need to be able to "vouch" for you.
9. Check your pay stub.
No really...look for your name! When all else fails, celebrate the fact that you got HIRED in the first place. These people said ‘yes’ to you when there were other candidates. Want to know the number one reason people get hired? Because the employer thinks that this person would be an asset to the environment i.e. fun to work with! Be fun! After all, you are your greatest advertisement.
Truth is, they believe in you. This is now your community. Embrace it. Be present. Instead of thinking about this time next year, think about today. When God has a new experience for you, He'll let you know.
10. Don’t stay longer than necessary.
How many times do ‘a means to an end’ turn into a dead end? Avoid that story. Be aware that your time in the corporate arena is limited, so move swiftly toward your independence. As a creative type, you are ready to be your own boss in some way, shape, or form. Believe it and receive it! It’s already yours!
11. Be open with the people you love outside of work.
Feel free to lean on your loved ones. They want you to succeed at work and in life. Ask them to remind you of your strengths. Ask them to help you affirm your Divine purpose. You don't need to perfect, you just need to be the best you possible. They are believers. Utilize them and find ways to spend time with them doing things you love. Believe that you exude confidence and inner strength. You really do!
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