Relax. You deserve it.
Focusing too much on other’s opinions of who you are
It’s great to have people in your life who can give an honest assessment of your development however, their opinion is just that, an opinion. It should never be considered to be more important than your opinion of yourself. If you know that you are living righteously and doing the best you can with what you have been given, their judgments should mean nothing to you. A person can only give you advice based on their personal experiences and ideals, but each individual is unique and should operate autonomously according to their belief system.
Your vision for your life is what matters most. Trust yourself to make the best decisions for your life and hold yourself in high esteem. If you dare to look in the mirror and decide that you are great, just the way you are, you will find the peace you seek. Dare to be fearless in your decision making and trust yourself to do the right thing. By accomplishing this you will begin to wash away the smudges on your spirit left there by years of people speaking into your life and you will see clearly who you are and how brightly your star shines.
Marinating in the messy situations
Life does have its moments where the days seem dark and gray. It is important to remember that those times are not the defining moments of your life. It is the character that you present during these moments that define who you are.
Will you wallow in self pity, negating every good thing that has happened to you? Will you stand up and remind yourself of the sunny days, appreciating all of the other times where you stood firm and got over the hump? It’s important to see through the negative circumstances and focus on your bright future. The things you meditate on consistently will continue to manifest themselves in your life. Brood over a difficult circumstance and it will multiply. Choose to move forward and leave the garbage behind.
Comparing yourself to others
Richard bought a house. Anna’s wedding is next month. Todd received a promotion on his job and a fat raise but I’m still here doing the same old thing.
Makes life seem kind of pathetic doesn’t it? Of course it does. But here’s the secret to maintaining your satisfaction when everyone else seems to be progressing.
You must first understand that just as everyone has a unique DNA everyone’s lives will progress differently. Your footsteps will not match anyone else’s exactly and your life should never be measured by how quickly or broadly they take their steps. When you begin to recognize that life is not a race against the neighbors and that your life is divinely guided into its proper place, you will receive peace about where you are.
It’s okay to be different. It’s okay to think differently. It’s okay to receive your gifts and blessings at different times. No man or woman is greater than the next. Desiring those things that belong to someone else will only bring unhappiness to your life. It's okay to recognize the progress of others but it's not okay to condemn yourself for not being where they are. You don't get to see what it took for them to get there because you only see the end result.
They may have the pleasures and riches that you want, but are you ready to make the sacrifices that it took for them to reap those blessings? Do you even know what they have to go through to maintain those "luxuries"? Don't envy the next person when you can't see the whole picture. Create your own vision and focus on that goal. If you're busy about your own business, you won't have time to look to the side to compare and contrast.
Neglecting your own health and happiness
Loving and appreciating others is a wonderful thing. We enjoy nurturing our loved ones and showering them with affection, bringing a much needed boost into their lives. We must be wary not to neglect showering ourselves with the same amount of love. We can’t wait for others to do it, it’s best to show ourselves appreciation by taking care of our bodies and doing things that make us feel good like laughing or simply…doing nothing at all.
Putting too much weight on your goals and not appreciating the process
Your goals are your life’s map toward your personal success and as you move forward each step is as important as the last.
When we focus too much on where we want to be, we will never experience the joy of where we are today. Life isn’t about the end result, it’s about enjoying the process that brings us to our ultimate fantasy. Trust in the completion of your lifelong dream. Visualize the process being easy and smooth. Your imagination leads your life. Relax, appreciate today, rejoice in anticipation of tomorrow and enjoy the diamond encrusted escalator to your ultimate achievement.
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