Words by Te-Erika
We experience many types of love throughout our lives:
Love based on common interests - Wow. She loves sports as much as I do.
Love based on attraction - Yowsa! I really love doing it with him.
Or maybe even love that grows as time goes by - I really didn’t like him at first but we’ve spent so much time together that I’ve become comfortable with who he is and who I am when I’m with him.
All of these love experiences add to a grand existence and may lead to the type of love we all dream about but are hesitant to believe really exists; Perfect Love.
Most romantics will associate the word love with emotions and attraction; we want that head over heels feeling of butterflies and shooting stars, but I consider love to be an expression of consistent, supportive action snugly intertwined with positive emotion.
Since I’ve experienced all kinds of love that have added to my life in both positive and negative ways, I decided to seek out a different kind of love, a Perfect Love.
PERFECT LOVE: There’s no real definition since the subject matter is subjective, however from my point of view Perfect Love exists when the giver allows care, concern and support to flow freely with no thought of receiving anything in return, regardless of the circumstance. It exists only to aid in the improvement of the receiver’s life, also adding joy and comfort.
Why is it important to learn to give Perfect Love? Wouldn’t you want to receive the same? If we operate under the law of reaping and sowing, we know that what we give, we will receive. Wouldn’t it be lovely if we had a companion who loved us in spite of and because of who we are, even during our most troubling times? If that is what we want, why would it be difficult to give the same to another person?
When involved in this type of love experience, on both ends, the receiver and the giver remain in a joyful state because each one has the happiness and satisfaction of the other as their main priority. When two people are truly focused on raising each other’s satisfaction levels without focusing on their own, the couple strikes a balance that is miraculous in nature, reveling in appreciation that someone else cares enough to hold their needs so close to their heart.
If giving Perfect Love is your desire, it is important to:
1. Look at yourself as a gift to the other person. Gifts always make us feel great and they add something to our lives that makes them better.
2. Be consistent. When you turn on your faucet, the water will flow. A Perfect Love is just like that, it is not halted by emotion or circumstances.
3. Never ask, “What do I get out of this?” Perfect Love wants nothing in return. Perfect Love sees the happiness of the receiver as their reward.
Giving Perfect Love is the most selfless decision that you can make. It takes a special person who is rooted in self love and who also fully appreciates the joy of giving. The reward for giving Perfect Love is internal satisfaction and that kind of satisfaction is matchless.
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