It’s a great thing to learn how to deliberately create the best life by choosing to maintain positive emotions through any circumstance. But let’s be truthful, sometimes we may slip up and allow a negative thought to linger which ultimately lowers our vibration. We can choose to allow these vibrations to attract more negative energy or we can choose to raise them by following these tips.
Start a gratitude journal
Write down the following statement.
I am so happy and grateful now that…
Then follow that statement with a description of how you want your life to be. Be sure to write in the present tense as though your future self is writing in your journal.
I am so happy and grateful now that my true love is sitting beside me. He truly understands and appreciates me. He is my perfect companion and his presence in my life adds passion and adventure. He is so sexy!
Write a script
During some of the most trying times in our lives we often focus on what we don’t want to happen. By focusing on what we don’t want, our imagination draws more of that into our reality. When faced with any situation, try to imagine the best. Write a short story about how things could turn out in your favor.
I just applied for a new position in my company and I am excited as I wait for a response. I am sure that I will hear great news. I can already see how my contribution to this department will be appreciated and welcomed. My new boss will love me. My new co workers too. This new job will be the perfect way for me to excel as an executive and it will bring the perfect pay which means I can do more fun things with my family.
Make A Movie
The creative minds over at Mind Movies have crafted a new spin on the inspirational photo collage. They suggest making a Mind Movie by collecting pictures and creating a visual slide show, set to music that tells the story of how you want your life to be.
I also like to create videos to inspire others to be positive. Here is a video that I made that is set to Mary J. Blige’s new single, Just Fine.
Affirm Yourself
Make a list of positive affirmations for your dreams. If writing is not your specialty, try these wonderful affirmations by Florence Scovel Shinn.
I am now linked by an invisible, unbreakable magnetic cord with all that belongs to me by Divine Right!
Thy Kingdom is come, Thy will is done in me and my affairs.
I am poised and powerful, my greatest expectations are realized in a miraculous way.
I now exercize my fearless faith in three ways - by thinking, speaking and acting. I am unmoved by appearances, therefore appearances move.
I am in perfect harmony with the working of the law, for I know that Infinite Intelligence knows nothing of obstacles, time or space. It knows only completion.
I give thanks that I now receive the righteous desires of my heart. Mountains are removed, valleys exalted and every crooked place made straight. I am in the Kingdom of fulfillment.
Before I called I was answered and I now gather in my harvest in a remarkable way.
Do A 'Call For Testomonials '
Send an email out to your friends asking them to write a 2 or 3 sentence paragraph letting you know how your friendship has affected their lives. The results are mind blowing and may be kept and cherished for years to come as a reminder that we are a valued part of someone else’s growth.
Embrace The Fantasy
When I need a quick energy boost, I find a quiet place and I let my mind roam. I don’t focus on anything in particular I just allow my greatest desires to play out in my mind. At first I used to feel guilty for having these fantasies but now I use them as a mental playground, for relaxation and enjoyment.
Ask yourself, "What would be a miracle in my life right now?"
I can see it now...
My sons and I are exiting an airplane on our way to one of my conferences. There is a crowd waiting to meet me at the arrival gate. They are cheering with gifts and copies of my books for me to sign and bless. My sons are overjoyed that their Mom is making such a positive difference in the lives of so many people. They are proud that I took the risks that I took and the excitement on their faces show nothing but astonishment. They grip my hand tightly and watch as I smile and hurry through to our awaiting limo. All of my dreams have come true. My gift has made a way for provision. I am now doing what I love to do, connecting others with their dreams.
1 comment:
This is a great post. :)
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