Words by Kausalya
I thought the Law Of Attraction had failed me.
For years, I had been making "treasure maps" and spouting off positive affirmations like my life depended on it. By the time The Secret came out, I was already knee-deep in Louise Hay books, Cd's, and affirmation cards.
Please don't get me wrong. I adore Louise Hay. I'm certainly not saying that taking these steps toward positive thinking have not served me. The things I really want in life seem to be taking forever. This impatience has led to doubt. I had a feeling I was missing some key ingredient. Reading many of the posts on Embrace Your Fantasy dedicated to the Law of Attraction prompted me to take a second look at the Law of Attraction and the methods behind it. Soon after, I discovered author Michael Losier's Law of Attraction book on Cd.
Losier began by paying homage to many of the other authors who have tackled this vast topic before him like Esther and Jerry Hicks. What drew me to Losier's book was the simplicity of it. The path to inner peace and living my best life can often feel like an insurmountable task. I often get buried and bogged down in the details and miss the blessings which are often so simple. Why was my manifesting was taking so long? My affirmations were beginning to feel like a big lie. The repetition of the words left me with a constant feeling of anger and disappointment.
Losier keyed in on the very feelings I was experiencing. He said the Law of Attraction responds to our vibrations. The good news? "We can only send out one vibration at a time," he said. Then he began to discuss why certain affirmation methods do not work. I perked up immediately.
Losier explained that affirmations do not work unless there is an element of truth behind the words. In other words, you have to believe what you are saying. That belief triggers a vibration and causes the law to spin into action. It works the same whether you believe what you are saying or not.
For years, I had been making "treasure maps" and spouting off positive affirmations like my life depended on it. By the time The Secret came out, I was already knee-deep in Louise Hay books, Cd's, and affirmation cards.
Please don't get me wrong. I adore Louise Hay. I'm certainly not saying that taking these steps toward positive thinking have not served me. The things I really want in life seem to be taking forever. This impatience has led to doubt. I had a feeling I was missing some key ingredient. Reading many of the posts on Embrace Your Fantasy dedicated to the Law of Attraction prompted me to take a second look at the Law of Attraction and the methods behind it. Soon after, I discovered author Michael Losier's Law of Attraction book on Cd.
Losier began by paying homage to many of the other authors who have tackled this vast topic before him like Esther and Jerry Hicks. What drew me to Losier's book was the simplicity of it. The path to inner peace and living my best life can often feel like an insurmountable task. I often get buried and bogged down in the details and miss the blessings which are often so simple. Why was my manifesting was taking so long? My affirmations were beginning to feel like a big lie. The repetition of the words left me with a constant feeling of anger and disappointment.
Losier keyed in on the very feelings I was experiencing. He said the Law of Attraction responds to our vibrations. The good news? "We can only send out one vibration at a time," he said. Then he began to discuss why certain affirmation methods do not work. I perked up immediately.
Losier explained that affirmations do not work unless there is an element of truth behind the words. In other words, you have to believe what you are saying. That belief triggers a vibration and causes the law to spin into action. It works the same whether you believe what you are saying or not.
I was always taught to say my affirmations in the present tense as if they were already true. For example, 'I love myself' should be said whether you love yourself in that moment or not. The idea was that repeating this over and over again would make you someday really believe it as your truth. Instead, the opposite was happening. The more I repeated this, the more I began to condemn myself for not fully believing it.
Losier has a quick solution to finding your truth in every affirmation. He says that by adding a few words to your affirmations you could change the vibration and begin believing your own words. Thus, spinning the Universe into positive action on your behalf.
For example:
I love myself.
More and more I am learning to love myself.
My career is successful and fulfilling.
I am in the process of creating a career that is successful and fulfilling.
I could literally feel the change in vibration. One sentence felt fake and judgmental while the other sentence felt freeing and etched in truth.
Losier says it's not all about the words, but it is all about your vibrations. "You get more of what you are vibrating." Adding truth to the affirmations helps reset the vibrations.
Other words Losier cautions against are 'don't, not, and no.' He says that these words can immediately lower your vibrations by giving you more of what you do not want. When you find yourself using these words you should stop and ask yourself this question: "What do I want?"
For example:
Negative: Don't hesitate to call.
Positive: Call me soon.
Losier says that our words even follow us into our personal journaling. He used a bad date as an example. You go out with someone who is rude, disrespectful and everything you despise in a partner. You come home and write about it. You write about all of the negative things that happened during the date. You write about how negatively you feel about this person and this situation. Your vibrations are negative. Losier says that the Law doesn't differentiate between the past, present, or the future. It just picks up the vibration and gives you more!
Losier suggests writing in a more affirmative manner by making a list describing the kind of person you would like to date in the future. In other words, allow this negative experience to spruce up your must-haves list.
It is comforting to know that I don't have to try and fool the Universe with lackluster affirmations. It is also encouraging to find a simple way of making my words vibrate with more love and joy.
I am in the process of living my best life and so are you.
For more information on Michael Losier go to:
Losier has a quick solution to finding your truth in every affirmation. He says that by adding a few words to your affirmations you could change the vibration and begin believing your own words. Thus, spinning the Universe into positive action on your behalf.
For example:
I love myself.
More and more I am learning to love myself.
My career is successful and fulfilling.
I am in the process of creating a career that is successful and fulfilling.
I could literally feel the change in vibration. One sentence felt fake and judgmental while the other sentence felt freeing and etched in truth.
Losier says it's not all about the words, but it is all about your vibrations. "You get more of what you are vibrating." Adding truth to the affirmations helps reset the vibrations.
Other words Losier cautions against are 'don't, not, and no.' He says that these words can immediately lower your vibrations by giving you more of what you do not want. When you find yourself using these words you should stop and ask yourself this question: "What do I want?"
For example:
Negative: Don't hesitate to call.
Positive: Call me soon.
Losier says that our words even follow us into our personal journaling. He used a bad date as an example. You go out with someone who is rude, disrespectful and everything you despise in a partner. You come home and write about it. You write about all of the negative things that happened during the date. You write about how negatively you feel about this person and this situation. Your vibrations are negative. Losier says that the Law doesn't differentiate between the past, present, or the future. It just picks up the vibration and gives you more!
Losier suggests writing in a more affirmative manner by making a list describing the kind of person you would like to date in the future. In other words, allow this negative experience to spruce up your must-haves list.
It is comforting to know that I don't have to try and fool the Universe with lackluster affirmations. It is also encouraging to find a simple way of making my words vibrate with more love and joy.
I am in the process of living my best life and so are you.
For more information on Michael Losier go to:
This passage was filled with light, easy positive vibrations and clarity. I'm actually about to use the affirmation suggestions in a few minutes as I'm working to find more balance.
I got so caught up with LOA and improving my life that I spent my time collecting and purchasing information (books, audio, video...etc) instead of practicing them. I didn't know where, what or which information to study first.
Thank you, Kausalya... for directing me to this simple, yet affective little book.
And yes... I can confidently say that I too am in the process of living my best life!
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