Words by Te-Erika
There’s an old saying floating from earlobe to earlobe that says, “You can’t have love unless you first love yourself.”
I hate that old saying!
It always annoys me when I hear it. I do love myself dammit! I think I’m hot! I think I’m smart. I know I’m a good catch, now all I need is for someone ELSE to notice it besides me!
But after many years of heartache while I kept thinking, ‘No one loves me. No one wants to be with me.’ One day, I woke up.
I looked around and realized that there had in fact been many men who have loved me, but because they weren’t what I was looking for, I had completely disregarded their love.
These men were willing to spend time with me, whisper sweet things in my ear and give me the treatment that I desired but I couldn’t receive those things because I was very much focused on the specific way I wanted them to appear.
I wouldn’t budge when it came to the type of man that I allowed into my life. If he wasn’t a successful businessman, a bit nerdy and at the same time extremely creative and driven, he couldn’t even get my real name. Hello there, I’m Anastasia.
How many free meals did I pass up while waiting for my dream guy? How many nights of laughter did I miss out on? How many friendships could I have developed if I wasn’t so stuck on my particular vision?
While I am not an advocate of leading people on if you have no interest in them, I AM an advocate of receiving the blessings that flow into your life regardless of the giver.
Sometimes you can block the flow of blessings when you are not a grateful receiver. Just because Mr. Too Tall For Me wants to take me to the movies, doesn’t mean that I am tied to him forever. Just because Mr. Too Complacent wants to enjoy a quiet evening in front of the television doesn’t mean that we have to get married the next day.
Say to yourself: I don’t have to do anything that I don’t want to do. I define the level of my relationships clearly and consistently. I do not have to give more than I want to. If someone wants to show me love, all I owe them is a gracious Thank You.
If there are people in your life who want to show you love, why won’t you let them? Instead you sit and sulk wondering why love has passed you by.
You must understand that since you are attractive, witty and personable, others are bound to notice it too. Don’t hide that light from people just because you deem them unworthy. Go out, have fun, enjoy their company and adoration. Allow them to bask in the glow of your companionship which will benefit the both of you.
Love yourself enough to accept the love that is being offered to you on the many different levels that it presents itself. You deserve it, you desire it and, most importantly, by being open to receive it, you will fling the gates wide open for your fantasy love to appear and grow simply because you are open to receive it, in whatever form it comes.
So true! I Loved this, I've been opening up a little more myself these days, and it feels great.
I Loved this post...my last relationship with a doctor ended because ...I feel that growing up in a single parent household doesn't necessarily show you what real love looks like on a daily basis...and I am referring to real love between a husband and a wife not a mother and a daughter..I had plenty of that!
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